Become Anonymized by the Q This file contains info on how to be and remain anonymous. Though, you will not be completly anonymized, it will be pretty damn close. So, here we go... E-mail There are numerous anonymous remailers out there that you can search for and find. but most are not admin runned. They are usually run without the owners permission or knowledge for that matter. So, you could go that way, or, you can use a very handy and super easy program called CAEM by Logik, which stands for Completely Anonymous E-Mail. This program is all you could ever want. All you have to do is fill in the appropriate information and you have completely anonymous e-mail. It works by spoofing the identification headers, therefore sending no way of tracing e-mail. Cool, eh? Just put a Subject, To, From, and Send via:, click send and boom! Internet Possibly the best way of be anonymous on the net is via proxy. Proxies make it so that when your computer sends for information, it goes through a certain URL first, thus making it so you are "hiding" behind it. Proxies like Surfwatch, only let you recieve some info though. Because when your system sends for info, it checks to see if that info is available for you to see, if not, then you get blocked from it. Proxy can also be used to get 'unbanned' from some sites that do ban. For instance, a chat site called Alamak, which is very similar to IRC, uses Ops that have the ability to /KICK or /BAN. They only ban your IP, so all you have to do to get back in is change your IP. Proxys do that for you. Then they ban the proxy and you have 100 more to go through. Cool huh? Well, proxys are used that way, to change IPs and become somewhat invisible or anonymous. If you are found, they will most likely ban you, change it and go on. Heres a list of just a few proxys that you can use to become "anonymized". First is the URL and then the PORT. 3128 8080 8080 8080 8080 1082 5580 8080 80 8080 8080 These are only, by all means, a very few. All you have to do to find proxys is search at Alta Vista or HotBot for the words "Proxy Port" and you'll find millions. Not all will work though. I'm not even sure that these will work. I'm pretty confident though. Most are proxys that ISPs give out to their clients but you are free to use them if you like. Another way of IP changing is very simple. Download a copy of HackUsers Static IP Toolkit. All you have to do is drop the stuff onto the system folder and from then on, everytime you sign on, you have a different IP. Very good. FTPs If you want to anonymously use an FTP, all you have to do is sign on as 'anonymous' right? Well, in most cases that will work. But there are some that don't allow 'anonymous' or 'guest'. If it does work, don't ever put your e-mail address as your password. You're only helping them if you do. You don't get anything out of it. Anyway, try using some non-passworded usernames. Names like sys, admin, demo, user, or default. These, believe it or not, do sometimes work if the adm forgets to delete them. In some schools, they have a defualt 'student' username and 'student' password. If none of these work. Get on the net and search their site for a proxy. Sometimes they will let anonymous users log in if they have a matching IP and ban all others. This one has rarely worked for me but you never know. Oh, and if you are going to be anonymous, don't use Netscape to FTP, they can trace you like nothing. Always use Fetch. Well thats the basics to being Anonymous. Hope this helped you out in some way or another. Q-Ball